I have Trichotillomania, Will Hair Extensions Work for Me?

I have Trichotillomania, Will Hair Extensions Work for Me?

Yes, if you have Trichotillomania, Hair Extensions will work perfectly for you. But before getting into the details of how that’s possible, let’s know a little more about What Trichotillomania is, its symptoms, and how you can cure it?

What is Trichotillomania?

Trichotillomania is a type of impulse control disorder that is often known as a hair-pulling disorder. People who suffer from it suffer from an overwhelming and irresistible urge to pull hair out of their body areas such as the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, and more. 

A person who has Trichotillomania is aware of its consequences and knows that it can cause them damage if they act on the impulse. However, they still cannot stop their urges.

Trichotillomania often leads to visible bald patches on your scalp, which leads to low self-esteem and confidence. People with Trichotillomania pull out their hair when they are under stress or anxious as a way to try to soothe themselves. They may also go to great lengths to conceal the growing loss of hair. It may be mild and manageable for some or could exist for years for some. It depends on various aspects.

What are the symptoms of Trichotillomania?

Since there is no specific reason why a person suffers from it, there are no specific tests to diagnose it. It might be a result of genetic and environmental factors like many other mental health disorders. It is commonly diagnosed through symptoms.


Some of them are as follows:


  • Pulling out of hair repeatedly from different body areas, especially the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes

  • The extreme sensation of Tension while trying to resist yourself from pulling the hair or before it.

  • Gaining pleasure, relief, or satisfaction after pulling out the hair

  • A noticeable loss of hair, visible patches on the scalp, missing eyebrows and eyelashes, or shortened and thinned hair

  • A specific preferred hair type, a pattern of hair pulling, or habits of hair pulling

  • Eating, chewing, and biting of the pulled-out hair

  • Rubbing the pulled-out hair on the lips or face and playing with it

  • Repeatedly failing in resisting oneself in pulling out hair

  • Considerable problems or distress in social situations, at school, or at work due to the compulsive hair pulling.

Sometimes people who have Trichotillomania might pick on their skin or their pets’ hair too. Hair pulling can be of two types for people:

  • Focused: Intentionally pulling out hair to seek satisfaction, relaxation, or releasing stress.

  • Automatic: Pulling out hair without realizing it at all

Is it curable?

Several forms of treatment are applied to people that have helped people cure Trichotillomania, yet, there is still no definitive cure to the disorder. There are some medication and therapy-based treatments available in the market that have proven effective over time.


One of the most common and sought treatments is getting Hair extensions. As these techniques can provide relief from the disorder, it becomes mandatory to note that these are not the cure.

Hair Extention for hair pulling disorder


Why are Hair Extensions the best solutions for Trichotillomania?

In Most cases of Trichotillomania, people suffering from it have nearly bald or bald patches on their crown. Thus, installing hair extensions and establishing a new hair care routine often help with the issue. It can be an effective first step towards relieving the disorder.


Since hair extensions require maintenance and a person’s natural hair is far behind the hair extension, it reduces the urge to pull out hair. The results can vary from person to person as there are many different kinds of Hair Extensions available at Bond Hair Bar that can be very durable and long-lasting.


One can pick the best suited for their hair and enjoy having the confidence of looking and feeling beautiful. Another aspect associated with Hair extension on Trichotillomania patients relates to the cases where there is low to no hair on the scalp. In such cases, hair extensions are put depending on the hair a person has, and the specific condition or a top piece is used to cover the bald patches.

What are the risk factors?

Hair extensions have proven effective for many people but, the need to take precautions is still necessary. Different factors increase the risks for Trichotillomania; some of them are listed below:

  • Family History: Since there is no definite reason why this disorder occurs, genes play a subsequent role in its risk factors. If any of your close relatives suffer from this or your family history is such. You are at a higher risk of acquiring it.

  • Age: Usually, it develops in the teenage especially, from ages ten to thirteen. Infants might pick up the symptoms at times, although they are mild and can be gone soon.

  • Other disorders: More often than not, a person suffering from Trichotillomania suffers from other disorders such as OCD, anxiety, depression, and more.

  • Stress: At times, severe stress may trigger a person into Trichotillomania.

Trichotillomania might not appear to be a severe disorder to some. Still, it can have a tremendous negative impact on a person’s social life, emotional intelligence, plus it can damage hair and skin to a large extent. 

Regardless to say you should get it treated with the available medications in the market or with the use of hair extensions.

The takeaway

In most cases, women (and even men) suffering from Trichotillomania will have bald or nearly bald patches on their crown. Installing Hair Extensions and establishing a hair routine around self-care can be a significant first step in relieving this issue. They even see nearly instant results due to this.

Many of Emily’s clients with Trichotillomania have claimed that this routine soothes their anxiety and desire to continue ‘pulling’ or ‘picking.’ They feel beautiful because of a customized application process. With Hair Extension Solutions from Bond Hair Bar, all of Emily’s clients have regrown the thinning patches of hair and reclaimed their confidence.

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